Friday, December 28, 2007

French Loaf - Good attitude

French Loaf is one of chennai's latest bakeries. It comes from the same establishment that owns Hot Breads, owned by the enigmatic Mr. Mahadevan. We picked up some bread from there last night and this morning my wife figured out that it was spoilt. I got back there this evening with spoilt packet of bread ready for a tiff. But to my surprise, no such thing happened. I was treated with courtesy, they took back the pack and surprisingly...i was told i could pick up any bread pack of the shelf as a replacement. And even more suprisingly, when i hesitated, the guy picks up a packet of the most expensive bread on the shelf and hands it to me. Keep it up guys...with this kind of an attitude, i am sure the place will thrive. Maybe you shud teach the guys at Zaras a bit or two about customer service.

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